About Us
Creative Kids Preschool & Daycare, Inc. offers two conveniently located daycare/preschools in Rapid City. Creative Kids is committed to providing top-quality care and education for children enrolled in our childcare center. Our goal is to enhance the lives of every child that attends our facility. We provide a caring, warm and safe environment for children to enjoy developmentally appropriate play experiences. We strive to help children develop socially, physically, emotionally, and cognitively under the care and guidance of highly trained professionals and within a child-friendly environment. We offer indoor educational and play centers, as well as outdoor playgrounds with age-appropriate toys and play equipment. Creative Kids is fortunate to have wonderful staff, who pride themselves on providing excellent care and instruction to all children. Full background checks are required, as well as extensive training. With a full kitchen at each of our facilities, you will be assured your children are getting healthy food that is prepared at our centers.
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Look no further than Creative Kids Preschool and Daycare if you're seeking the top preschools in Rapid City, South Dakota.
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